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Other publications of authors with the same name

The Future of Tangible User Interfaces., , , , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, ACM, (2019)ExciteTray: developing an assistive technology to promote selffeeding among young children., , , , , , and . IDC, page 297-300. ACM, (2014)In-car game design for children: child vs. parent perspective., , , and . IDC, page 112-119. ACM, (2013)Introducing children to machine learning concepts through hands-on experience., , , and . IDC, page 563-568. ACM, (2018)Tangible interaction in parent-child collaboration: encouraging awareness and reflection., , , and . IDC, page 157-169. ACM, (2018)Coding for Outdoor Play: a Coding Platform for Children to Invent and Enhance Outdoor Play Experiences., , , and . CHI, page 164. ACM, (2019)A Carryover Effect in HRI: Beyond Direct Social Effects in Human-Robot Interaction., , and . HRI, page 342-352. IEEE / ACM, (2022)Tangible Collaboration: A Human-Centered Approach for Sharing Control With an Actuated-Interface., , , , and . CHI, page 507:1-507:13. ACM, (2022)Connecting with kids: so what's new?, , , , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 1172-1173. ACM, (2005)OpenLH: Open Liquid-Handling System for Creative Experimentation with Biology., , , , and . TEI, page 55-64. ACM, (2019)