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The Role of Functional Analysis in Global Illumination.. Rendering Techniques, page 115-126. Springer, (1995)Simulating Non-Lambertian Phenomena Involving Linearly-Varying Luminaires., and . Rendering Techniques, page 25-38. Springer, (2001)Scalable Monte Carlo Image Synthesis., and . Parallel Comput., 23 (7): 845-859 (1997)Equation entry and editing via handwriting and gesture recognition., , and . Behav. Inf. Technol., 20 (1): 53-67 (2001)Fast Random Rotation matrices.. Graphics Gems III, Academic Press, (1992)Fluid sketching of directed graphs., and . AUIC, volume 50 of CRPIT, page 81-86. Australian Computer Society, (2006)Appearance-preserving manipulation of hand-drawn graphs., and . GRAPHITE, page 61-68. ACM, (2005)A global illumination solution for general reflectance distributions., , , and . SIGGRAPH, page 187-196. ACM, (1991)The morphological cross-dissolve., and . SIGGRAPH Abstracts and Applications, page 257. ACM, (1999)Applications of irradiance tensors to the simulation of non-Lambertian phenomena.. SIGGRAPH, page 335-342. ACM, (1995)