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Other publications of authors with the same name

Visual Equivalence: an Object-based Approach to Image Quality., , , and . CIC, page 347-354. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, (2008)Interactive Rendering using the Render Cache., , and . Rendering Techniques, page 19-30. Springer, (1999)Fast Global Illumination Including Specular Effects., , and . Rendering Techniques, page 47-58. Springer, (2000)Appearance Modeling of Iridescent Feathers with Diverse Nanostructures., , , , and . ACM Trans. Graph., 43 (6): 276:1-276:18 (December 2024)Reconstructing translucent thin objects from photos., , , , , , and . SIGGRAPH Asia, page 124:1-124:11. ACM, (2024)Learning generative models for rendering specular microgeometry., , , , , , , and . ACM Trans. Graph., 38 (6): 225:1-225:14 (2019)Gaussian Product Sampling for Rendering Layered Materials., , , and . Comput. Graph. Forum, 39 (1): 420-435 (2020)Reconstructing Translucent Objects using Differentiable Rendering., , , , and . SIGGRAPH (Conference Paper Track), page 38:1-38:10. ACM, (2022)A framework for realistic image synthesis., , , , , , , , , and . SIGGRAPH, page 477-494. ACM, (1997)Density Estimation Techniques fro Global Illumination.. Cornell University, USA, (1998)