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ARWand: Phone-Based 3D Object Manipulation in Augmented Reality Environment., и . ISUVR, стр. 44-47. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Enhancing Social Presence in Augmented Reality-Based Telecommunication System., , , и . HCI (18), том 8021 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 359-367. Springer, (2013)TDoA localization for wireless networks with imperfect clock synchronization., , , и . ICOIN, стр. 417-421. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)MARS: measurement-based allocation of vm resources for cloud data centers., , , , и . CoNEXT Student Workhop, стр. 63-66. ACM, (2013)Zero-buffer data delivery for industrial networks., , , , и . ICUFN, стр. 100-102. IEEE, (2015)DigiLog Space: Real-Time Dual Space Registration and Dynamic Information Visualization for 4D+ Augmented Reality., , и . ISUVR, стр. 22-25. IEEE, (2012)ARWand for an augmuented world builder., и . 3DUI, стр. 207-208. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Usability Test of Immersion for Augmented Reality Based Product Design., , и . Edutainment, том 4469 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 152-161. Springer, (2007)Hand Tracking with a Near-Range Depth Camera for Virtual Object Manipulation in an Wearable Augmented Reality., , и . HCI (16), том 8525 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 396-405. Springer, (2014)Poster: A pilot study on stepwise 6-DoF manipulation of virtual 3D objects using smartphone in wearable augmented reality environment., и . 3DUI, стр. 137-138. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)