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Sonic interaction design for virtual and augmented reality environments., , and . SIVE@VR, page 37-42. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Creating near-field VR using stop motion characters and a touch of light-field rendering., , , , , , , , , and 4 other author(s). SIGGRAPH Posters, page 19:1. ACM, (2015)EnActor: A Blueprint for a Whole Body Interaction Design Software Platform.. NIME,, (2012)Punch Typing: Alternative Method for Text Entry in Virtual Reality., , , , and . SUI, page 28:1-28:2. ACM, (2020)Interfacing with Sensory Options Using a Virtual Equipment System., , , and . SUI, page 25:1-25:2. ACM, (2020)Virtual Equipment System: Expansion to Address Alternate Contexts., , and . HCI (38), volume 1420 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 353-360. Springer, (2021)Virtual Control Interface: A System for Exploring AR and IoT Multimodal Interactions Within a Simulated Virtual Environment., , and . HCI (38), volume 1420 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 345-352. Springer, (2021)Virtual Equipment System: Face Mask and Voodoo Doll for User Privacy and Self-Expression Options in Virtual Reality., , and . VR Workshops, page 747-748. IEEE, (2021)Virtual Control Interface: Discover and Control IoT Devices Intuitively Through AR Glasses with Multi-model Interactions., and . VR Workshops, page 763-764. IEEE, (2021)Development of a Virtual Reality Assessment of Visuospatial Function and Oculomotor Control., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). VR Workshops, page 753-754. IEEE, (2021)