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Restricted Boltzmann Machine Assisted Secure Serverless Edge System for Internet of Medical Things., , , , , , , and . IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics, 27 (2): 673-683 (February 2023)Improving Genetic Algorithm to Attain Better Routing Solutions for Real-World Water Line System., , , , and . SCDM, volume 457 of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, page 292-301. Springer, (2022)Automatic segmentation and automatic seed point selection of nasopharyngeal carcinoma from microscopy images using region growing based approach., , , , and . J. Comput. Sci., (2017)A Novel Low-Latency and Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling Framework for Internet of Medical Things in an Edge Fog Cloud System., , , , , and . Sensors, 22 (14): 5327 (2022)FBG Sensor for Heart Rate Monitoring Using 3D Printing Technology., , , , , , , , and . IEEE Access, (2024)Cloud computing-based framework for heart disease classification using quantum machine learning approach., and . J. Intell. Syst., (February 2024)Augmented IoT Cooperative Vehicular Framework Based on Distributed Deep Blockchain Networks., , , , , , , and . IEEE Internet Things J., 11 (22): 35825-35838 (November 2024)Homomorphic federated learning schemes enabled pedestrian and vehicle detection system., , , , , , , and . Internet Things, (October 2023)Examining multiple feature evaluation and classification methods for improving the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease., , , , , , , and . Cogn. Syst. Res., (2019)K-Means clustering and neural network for object detecting and identifying abnormality of brain tumor., , , , , , and . Soft Comput., 23 (19): 9083-9096 (2019)