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Formulating Dynamic Agents' Operational State via Situation Awareness Assessment., , , , and . ISI (1), volume 320 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 545-556. Springer, (2014)A Flexible Human-Agent Interaction model for supervised autonomous systems., , , , and . ISAMSR, page 106-111. IEEE, (2016)A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms for Image Classification., , and . IC3I, page 2436-2439. IEEE, (2023)A Dynamically Adjustable Autonomic Agent Framework., , , , and . WorldCIST, volume 206 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 631-642. Springer, (2013)An autonomy viability assessment matrix for agent-based autonomous systems., , , , and . ISAMSR, page 53-58. IEEE, (2015)A Review on Role of Image Processing Techniques to Enhancing Security of IoT Applications., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). IEEE Access, (2023)Exploring the Roles of Agents and Multi-Agent in Improving Mobile Ad Hoc Networks., , , , , and . ISAMSR, page 91-95. IEEE, (2021)Integrating Fuzzy Logic Technique in Case-Based Reasoning for Improving the Inspection Quality of Software Requirements Specifications., , and . ACRIT, volume 1174 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 503-513. Springer, (2019)The Collective Intelligence concept: A literature review from the behavioral and cognitive perspective., , , and . ISAMSR, page 154-159. IEEE, (2016)Modelling an Adjustable Autonomous Multi-agent Internet of Things System for Elderly Smart Home., , , , and . AHFE (2), volume 953 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 301-311. Springer, (2019)