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Circuit Analysis by Non-Standard Interpretation.. Designing Correct Circuits, том A-5 из IFIP Transactions, стр. 119-138. North-Holland, (1992)Dynamic Scheduling of Multiple Hidden Markov Model-Based Sensors., , , , и . J. Adv. Inf. Fusion, 3 (1): 33-49 (2008)Hardware/Software Synthesis and Verification Using Esterel.. CPA, том 65 из Concurrent Systems Engineering Series, стр. 371-378. IOS Press, (2007)Rendering Postscript Fonts on FPGAs., , и . FPL, том 1673 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 223-232. Springer, (1999)Dynamic Specialisation of XC6200 FPGAs by Parial Evaluation., и . FPL, том 1482 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 298-307. Springer, (1998)An Analysis of Programmer Productivity versus Performance for High Level Data Parallel Programming., , и . CPA, том 68 из Concurrent Systems Engineering Series, стр. 111-130. IOS Press, (2011)Rapid Construction of Partial Configuration Datastreams from High-Level Constructs Using JBits., и . FPL, том 2147 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 346-356. Springer, (2001)An Advanced System for Modeling Asymmetric Threats., , , , , и . SMC, стр. 3943-3948. IEEE, (2006)Implementing Fudgets with Standard Widget Sets., и . Functional Programming, стр. 222-235. Springer, (1993)Partial Evaluation of Hardware., и . Partial Evaluation, том 1706 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 221-230. Springer, (1998)