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Robust Landslide Recognition Using UAV Datasets: A Case Study in Baihetan Reservoir., , , , , , и . Remote. Sens., 16 (14): 2558 (июля 2024)Memristor in neuromorphic computing.. SoCC, стр. 294. IEEE, (2012)Simultaneous Consideration of Spatial Deformation and Tensor Orientation in Diffusion Tensor Image Registration Using Local Fast Marching Patterns., , , и . IPMI, том 5636 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 63-75. Springer, (2009)Unleashing the potential of MLC STT-RAM caches., , , и . ICCAD, стр. 429-436. IEEE, (2013)A High-Speed Robust NVM-TCAM Design Using Body Bias Feedback., , , , , , и . ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, стр. 69-74. ACM, (2015)Non-Markovianity of a Central Spin Interacting with a Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Bath via a Conditional Past-Future Correlation., , , и . Entropy, 22 (8): 895 (2020)Joint Optimization of Multi-STAR-RIS aided NOMA Systems., , , и . ICCCS, стр. 221-225. IEEE, (2023)The Multi-Speaker Multi-Style Voice Cloning Challenge 2021., , , , , , , , , и 2 other автор(ы). ICASSP, стр. 8613-8617. IEEE, (2021)AI-Powered IoT System at the Edge., , , , , , , и . CogMI, стр. 242-251. IEEE, (2021)Deformable Registration of Dti and Spgr Images., , , и . ISBI, стр. 29-32. IEEE, (2007)