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Other publications of authors with the same name

A cooperative jamming protocol for physical layer security in wireless networks., , , and . ICASSP, page 5803-5807. IEEE, (2015)New Constructions of Low-Complexity Convolutional Codes., , and . ICC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2009)Secure encoder designs based on turbo codes., , and . ICC, page 4315-4320. IEEE, (2015)Secretly Pruned Convolutional Codes: Security Analysis and Performance Results., , and . IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur., 11 (7): 1500-1514 (2016)Terahertz Technologies to Deliver Optical Network Quality of Experience in Wireless Systems Beyond 5G., , , , , , , , , and 4 other author(s). IEEE Communications Magazine, 56 (6): 144-151 (2018)Recursive flexible convolutional encoders for parallel concatenation., , and . ISTC, page 250-254. IEEE, (2012)Τεχνικές κωδικοποίησης καναλιού με έμφαση στους συγκεραστικούς και στους τούρμπο κώδικες. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, (2012)National Archive of PhD Theses: oai:10442/35282.Cooperation for secure wireless communications with resource-bounded eavesdroppers., , , and . GLOBECOM Workshops, page 1379-1384. IEEE, (2014)Short paper: attacking and defending lightweight PHY security schemes for wireless communications., , and . WISEC, page 177-182. ACM, (2014)Physical layer security via secret trellis pruning., , and . PIMRC, page 507-512. IEEE, (2013)