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Self-interference channel for full duplex transceivers., , and . WCNC, page 781-785. IEEE, (2014)Multi-cell interference coordination for multigroup multicast transmission., , , , and . EuCNC, page 1-5. IEEE, (2017)Joint Design of Tx-Rx Beamformers in MIMO Downlink Channel., , , and . ICC, page 4997-5002. IEEE, (2007)Interference and Coverage Analysis for Terahertz Networks With Indoor Blockage Effects and Line-of-Sight Access Point Association., , , and . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 20 (3): 1472-1486 (2021)On the Precoder Design for Block Diagonalized MIMO Broadcast Channels., , and . IEEE Commun. Lett., 16 (8): 1165-1168 (2012)Learning to Estimate RIS-Aided mmWave Channels., , , and . CoRR, (2021)A Novel Application of Polynomial Solvers in mmWave Analog Radio Beamforming., , , , , and . CoRR, (2023)Adaptive wireless communications under competition and jamming in energy constrained networks., , , , and . Wirel. Networks, 24 (1): 151-171 (2018)Programmable ASIPs for Multimode MIMO Transceiver., , and . J. Signal Process. Syst., 90 (10): 1369-1381 (2018)Stochastic Geometry based Interference Analysis of Multiuser mmWave Networks with RIS., and . PIMRC, page 567-572. IEEE, (2021)