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A testbed-based approach to develop layer 3 wireless mesh network protocols., , , and . TRIDENTCOM, page 30. ICST, (2008)Performance Evaluation of FILS in a Vehicular Delay/Disruption Tolerant Network., , , , , , , and . VTC Fall, page 1-5. IEEE, (2020)A Design for IoT Based Smart Watering System Using LoRa., , , , and . GCCE, page 278-279. IEEE, (2020)A wireless mesh network testbed in rural mountain areas., , , and . WiNTECH, page 91-92. ACM, (2007)Looping in OLSRv2 in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, Loop Suppression and Loop Correction., , and . IEICE Trans. Commun., 92-B (4): 1210-1221 (2009)A Disaster Resilient Local Communication System Without Depending on the Internet Connectivity., , , , and . IMCOM, volume 935 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 5-17. Springer, (2019)Development of a Request Processing Method for Relief Goods in the Distributed Material Management Support System of Evacuation Shelters using DTN., , , , and . SERA, page 94-98. IEEE, (2019)Semi-Narrow Band Ad-Hoc Wireless Communication System (SNB-AWCS) using VHF for Disaster Response., , and . ICT-DM, page 1-7. IEEE, (2023)Efficient Device-Edge Inference for Disaster Classification., , , , , and . ICUFN, page 314-319. IEEE, (2022)Field-Trial of the Recovery of Fiber Networks C/M-Plane via an IoT-based Narrow-band and Lossy Links System (FRENLL)., , , , , , , , and . OECC/PSC, page 1-3. IEEE, (2019)