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Cross-modal Metric Learning with Graph Embedding., и . IJCNN, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2018)Multi ROI and Multi Map Networks for Accurate and Efficient Pedestrian Detection., и . IJCNN, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2018)Facial Expression Recognition Using Double-Stage Sample-Selected SVM., и . ICIC (1), том 10361 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 304-315. Springer, (2017)Moving Target Tracking Based on Pulse Coupled Neural Network and Optical Flow., , и . ICONIP (3), том 9491 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 17-25. Springer, (2015)Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Network for Multimodal Matching., , и . ICANN (1), том 11139 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 14-21. Springer, (2018)Image captioning with adaptive incremental global context attention., и . Appl. Intell., 52 (6): 6575-6597 (2022)DialogBERT: Discourse-Aware Response Generation via Learning to Recover and Rank Utterances., , и . CoRR, (2020)DialogBERT: Discourse-Aware Response Generation via Learning to Recover and Rank Utterances., , и . AAAI, стр. 12911-12919. AAAI Press, (2021)RCP: Recurrent Closest Point for Point Cloud., , , , , и . CVPR, стр. 8206-8216. IEEE, (2022)A Unified Two-Stage Group Semantics Propagation and Contrastive Learning Network for Co-Saliency Detection., , , , и . ICME, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2022)