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Open vs Closed world, Rules vs Queries: Use Cases from Industry.. OWLED, том 188 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2005)Complex Query Formulation Over Diverse Information Sources in TAMBIS., , , , , , и . Bioinformatics, Elsevier, (2003)The tool for Intelligent Conceptual Modeling., и . KRDB, том 29 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 45-53., (2000)Visualizing Complex Schemas in Description Logic Using Movable Lens Filters., , и . VDB, том 126 из IFIP Conference Proceedings, стр. 339-360. Chapman & Hall, (1998)Z-DOC: A Serious Game for Z-Plasty Procedure Training., , , , и . MMVR, том 184 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 404-406. IOS Press, (2013)Iterative design and development of the 'World of Balance' game: From ecosystem education to scientific discovery., , , , , , , и . IGIC, стр. 283-290. IEEE, (2013)Transparent access to multiple bioinformatics information sources., , , , , , , и . IBM Syst. J., 40 (2): 532-551 (2001)Inspecting Concepts Graphically with Zoomable Lenses., , и . Description Logics, том 410 из URA-CNRS, (1997)SuperCaly: Smart life assistance by integrating a calendar app with location tracking, media organization and social connection., , , , , , и . CCWC, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2017)Guiding the User: An Ontology Driven Interface., , , , и . UIDIS, стр. 158-161. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)