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Lessons learned from analyzing dynamic promotion for user-level threading., , , and . SC, page 23:1-23:12. IEEE / ACM, (2018)Scaling FMM with Data-Driven OpenMP Tasks on Multicore Architectures., , , , , , and . IWOMP, volume 9903 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 156-170. (2016)BOLT: Optimizing OpenMP Parallel Regions with User-Level Threads., , , , and . PACT, page 29-42. IEEE, (2019)8th International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores (PMAM'17).. Parallel Comput., (2018)Analysis of Data Reuse in Task-Parallel Runtimes., , , and . PMBS@SC, volume 8551 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 73-87. Springer, (2013)Characterizing MPI and Hybrid MPI+Threads Applications at Scale: Case Study with BFS., , , and . CCGRID, page 1075-1083. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)An Efficient Abortable-locking Protocol for Multi-level NUMA Systems., , , and . PPoPP, page 61-74. ACM, (2017)Analyzing the Performance Trade-Off in Implementing User-Level Threads., , , and . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 31 (8): 1859-1877 (2020)Using Bittorrent and SVC for efficient video sharing and streaming., , , and . ISCC, page 537-543. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Advanced Thread Synchronization for Multithreaded MPI Implementations., , , and . CCGrid, page 314-324. IEEE Computer Society / ACM, (2017)