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Low latency block scaling for baseband signal compression., , и . ICTC, стр. 105-110. IEEE, (2014)Analysis of LTE and NB-IoT coexistence., , , и . ICTC, стр. 870-872. IEEE, (2017)A Study on DDS-Based BLE Profile Adaptor for Solving BLE Data Heterogeneity in Internet of Things., , , и . CSA/CUTE, том 421 из Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, стр. 619-624. Springer, (2016)Study on Rydberg Atomic-based Millimeter Wave Electric Field Measurement., , , и . APCC, стр. 132-135. IEEE, (2023)Receiving resonant phase-modulated signals using atomic magnetometer for magnetic communications., , , , и . SECON, стр. 386-387. IEEE, (2023)A single RF-chain load modulation transmitter of expansion structure for massive MIMO., , и . ICTC, стр. 976-978. IEEE, (2016)Single Radio Transmission and Reception for Spatial Multiplexing MIMO., , , , , и . VTC Fall, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2016)Study on the Effect of LTE on the Coexistence of NB-IoT., и . ICUFN, стр. 610-612. IEEE, (2018)A single RF-chain load modulation transmitter of simple structure for massive MIMO., , , и . ICTC, стр. 954-956. IEEE, (2017)Magnetic Induction-Based Test-Bed System for Magnetic Communication in Underground Mines., , , , и . SECON, стр. 388-389. IEEE, (2023)