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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

PriMal: Cloud-Based Privacy-Preserving Malware Detection., , , , , und . ACISP (2), Volume 10343 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 153-172. Springer, (2017)FIRM: capability-based inline mediation of Flash behaviors., und . ACSAC, Seite 181-190. ACM, (2010)A PSO-Optimized Minimum Spanning Tree-Based Topology Control Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks., , , , und . IJDSN, (2013)Center-Less Single Sign-On With Privacy-Preserving Remote Biometric-Based ID-MAKA Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing Services., , , und . IEEE Access, (2019)Microblogging in Open Source Software Development: The Case of Drupal and Twitter., , , , und . IEEE Software, 31 (4): 72-80 (2014)Identification of Hydrothermal Alteration Minerals for Exploring Gold Deposits Based on SVM and PCA Using ASTER Data: A Case Study of Gulong., , , , , und . Remote Sensing, 11 (24): 3003 (2019)Yun: A High-Performance Container Management Service Based on OpenStack., , , und . DSC, Seite 202-209. IEEE, (2019)Startup Metrics That Tech Entrepreneurs Need to Know., , , , , und . Fundamentals of Software Startups, Springer, (2020)Weakly-supervised learning for community detection based on graph convolution in attributed networks., , , , und . Int. J. Mach. Learn. Cybern., 12 (12): 3529-3539 (2021)"Leagile" software development: An experience report analysis of the application of lean approaches in agile software development., , und . J. Syst. Softw., 85 (6): 1287-1299 (2012)