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Combining Incremental Strategy Generation and Branch and Bound Search for Computing Maxmin Strategies in Imperfect Recall Games., , и . AAMAS, стр. 902-910. ACM, (2017)A-Globe: Agent Platform with Inaccessibility and Mobility Support., , и . CIA, том 3191 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 199-214. Springer, (2004)Meta-reasoning for Agents' Private Knowledge Detection., , и . CIA, том 2782 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 316-323. Springer, (2003)Meta-reasoning Methods for Agent's Intention Modelling., , и . AIS-ADM, том 3505 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 134-148. Springer, (2005)Incrementally Refined Acquaintance Model for Distributed Planning and Resource Allocation in Semi-trusted Environments., , и . Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops, стр. 391-394. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Adversarial Behavior in Multi-agent Systems., , и . CEEMAS, том 3690 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 470-479. Springer, (2005)Agent subset adversarial search for complex non-cooperative domains., , , и . CIG, стр. 211-218. IEEE, (2010)Optimizing Agents Operation in Partially Inaccessible and Disruptive Environment., , , и . IAT, стр. 140-143. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Contract Observation in Web Services Environments., , , и . SOCASE, том 5907 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1-11. Springer, (2009)Understanding Future Technologies through Agent-Based Simulation.. ICAART (1), стр. 11. SciTePress, (2019)