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A low-power third-order ΔΣ modulator using a single operational amplifier., , and . ISCAS, page 1371-1374. IEEE, (2011)Low-power ripple-free chopper amplifier with correlated double sampling de-chopping., , , and . ISCAS, page 765-768. IEEE, (2010)On the design of single-inductor multiple-output DC-DC buck converters., , and . ISCAS, page 3049-3052. IEEE, (2008)An 86% efficiency SIMO DC-DC converter with one boost, one buck, and a floating output voltage for car-radio., , , , , , , and . ISSCC, page 426-428. IEEE, (2018)An Approximated Verilog-A Model for Memristive Devices., , , , and . ISCAS, page 1-5. IEEE, (2018)Interference rejection in delay line based quadrature band-pass ΣΔ modulators., , , and . ISCAS, page 3005-3008. IEEE, (2012)A low-power low-noise CMOS voltage reference with improved PSR for wearable sensor systems., , , and . ISCAS, page 1-4. IEEE, (2017)Study of DAC Architectures for Integrated Laser Driver Systems., , , , , , and . ISCAS, page 1-5. IEEE, (2019)Design of an op-amp free voltage reference with PWM regulation., , , and . ECCTD, page 1-4. IEEE, (2015)Design of a compact and low supply voltage CMOS voltage reference generator., , , and . ICECS, page 740-743. IEEE, (2016)