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An Approach for the Incremental Update of a Digital Twin of a Process Plant.

, , , and . TE, volume 28 of Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, page 310-319. IOS Press, (2022)

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A Transdisciplinary Method for Requirements and BOMs Engineering and Their Chaining Toward CAD Models., , and . TE, volume 28 of Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, page 93-102. IOS Press, (2022)Advanced Engineering Visualization with Standardized 3D Formats., , and . NEW PROLAMAT, volume 411 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 286-295. Springer, (2013)Modular Approach to Technical Risk Management in Product Lifecycle Management., , , and . TE, volume 10 of Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, page 380-389. IOS Press, (2019)Automatic Generation of Digital Twin Based on Scanning and Object Recognition., , , and . TE, volume 10 of Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, page 645-654. IOS Press, (2019)Trans-Disciplinary Systems as Complex Systems., , and . TE, volume 5 of Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, page 745-754. IOS Press, (2017)Intelligent Utilization of Digital Manufacturing Data in Modern Product Emergence Processes., , , , and . CE, volume 1 of Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, page 261-270. IOS Press, (2014)A CAD Material Skeleton-Based Approach for Sustainable Design., , and . TE, volume 12 of Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, page 700-709. IOS Press, (2020)Concept Development for CAD Model Adaptation to a Change from Injection Molding to Additive Manufacturing., , , and . TE, volume 7 of Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, page 188-197. IOS Press, (2018)Incremental Update of a Digital Twin of a Production System by Using Scan and Object Recognition., , and . TE, volume 16 of Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, page 83-92. IOS Press, (2021)Using the "Model-based Systems Engineering" Technique for Multidisciplinary System Development., , and . CE, volume 2 of Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, page 100-109. IOS Press, (2015)