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Bridging the Gap between Response Time and Energy-Efficiency in Broadcast Schedule Design., , , and . EDBT, volume 2287 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 572-589. Springer, (2002)Modeling Physical Systems by Complex Structural Objects and Complex Functional Objects., and . EDBT, volume 416 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 238-252. Springer, (1990)Restructuring for Large Data Bases: Three Levels of Abstraction., and . ACM Trans. Database Syst., 1 (2): 138-158 (1976)SEER: Security Enhanced Entity-Relationship Model for Modeling and Integrating Secure Database Environments., and . OOER, volume 1021 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 170-180. Springer, (1995)A Transaction Architecture for a General Purpose Semantic Data Model., and . ER, page 511-541. ER Institute, (1991)SA-ER: A Methodology that Links Structured Analysis and Entity-Relationship Modeling for Database Design., and . ER, page 381-397. North-Holland, (1986)OOER: Toward Making the E-R Approach Object-Oriented., and . ER, page 185-206. North-Holland, (1988)Data Confidentiality in E-Government and E-Commerce., , , and . Security and Management, page 391-394. CSREA Press, (2004)Fundamentals of Database Systems, and . Addison-Wesley, second edition edition, (1994)Look in the distributed database chapter.Integration and Cataloging of Engineering Environment., and . ICSI, page 720-729. IEEE Computer Society, (1990)