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Other publications of authors with the same name

The Equivalence of Reducing Transition Languages and Deterministic Languages.. Commun. ACM, 17 (9): 517-519 (1974)On the Average Number of Maxima in a Set of Vectors and Applications., , , and . J. ACM, 25 (4): 536-543 (1978)Two-Type Bracketed Grammars. SWAT, page 315-326. IEEE Computer Society, (1968)Labelled Precedence Parsing.. POPL, page 33-40. ACM Press, (1973)Physical Database Design Techniques.. Data Base Design Techniques II, volume 133 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 229-252. Springer, (1979)A Survey of Physical Database Design Methodology and Techniques.. VLDB, page 474-487. IEEE Computer Society, (1978)A History and Evaluation of System R, , , , , , , , , and 6 other author(s). Commun. ACM, 24 (10): 632--646 (October 1981)Considerations in developing a design tool for a relational DBMS., and . COMPSAC, page 228-235. IEEE, (1979)Physical Database Design for Relational Databases., , and . ACM Trans. Database Syst., 13 (1): 91-128 (1988)Approximating the number of unique values of an attribute without sorting., , and . Inf. Syst., 12 (1): 11-15 (1987)