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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

A wireless IoT system towards gait detection in stroke patients., , , , und . PerCom Workshops, Seite 449-454. IEEE, (2017)Preserving User Privacy in Pervasive Environments with a Collaborative Model., , , und . SERE (Companion), Seite 84-93. IEEE, (2013)Effective POGIL Implementation Approaches in Computer Science Courses: (Abstract Only)., und . SIGCSE, Seite 1069. ACM, (2018)Fostering Undergraduate Research through Mobile Development Course in PUIs.. SIGITE, Seite 56-57. ACM, (2018)ECEF position accuracy and reliability in the presence of differential correction latency., , und . PLANS, Seite 583-588. IEEE, (2018)Debugging the Gender Gap: (Re-)entry Initiatives in Emerging Technologies for Women., , , und . SIGITE, Seite 156-157. ACM, (2020)A semi-automated technique for labeling and counting of apoptosing retinal cells., , , , , , , , , und . BMC Bioinform., (2014)Equipping and Empowering Faculty through Professional Development to Create a Future-Ready Workforce in Emerging Technologies., , , und . SIGITE, Seite 21-22. ACM, (2021)Diversifying the Face of Computing through Re-entry Initiatives for Returning Women., , und . SIGCSE (2), Seite 1145. ACM, (2022)Towards Improving Reliability of Computational RFID Based Smart Healthcare Monitoring Systems., und . ICOST, Volume 7910 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 211-217. Springer, (2013)