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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Opportunistic programming: how rapid ideation and prototyping occur in practice., , , und . WEUSE@ICSE, Seite 1-5. ACM, (2008)Foreword., , und . VL/HCC, Seite xii-xiv. IEEE, (2023)Streamers Teaching Programming, Art, and Gaming: Cognitive Apprenticeship, Serendipitous Teachable Moments, and Tacit Expert Knowledge., und . VL/HCC, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2021)DS.js: Turn Any Webpage into an Example-Centric Live Programming Environment for Learning Data Science., und . UIST, Seite 691-702. ACM, (2017)The Design Space of Computational Notebooks: An Analysis of 60 Systems in Academia and Industry, , , und . 2020 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), Seite 1--11. (August 2020)Two studies of opportunistic programming: interleaving web foraging, learning, and writing code., , , , und . CHI, Seite 1589-1598. ACM, (2009)Towards Practical Incremental Recomputation for Scientists: An Implementation for the Python Language., und . TaPP, USENIX Association, (2010)The Design Space of Livestreaming Equipment Setups: Tradeoffs, Challenges, and Opportunities., und . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, Seite 835-848. ACM, (2022)Students, systems, and interactions: synthesizing the first four years of learning@scale and charting the future., und . L@S, Seite 2:1-2:10. ACM, (2018)The difficulty of teaching programming languages, and the benefits of hands-on learning., und . Commun. ACM, 57 (7): 10-11 (2014)