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Towards Language Independent Detection of Dyslexia with a Web-based Game., , , и . W4A, стр. 17:1-17:10. ACM, (2018)X-Ray: Screenshot Accessibility via Embedded Metadata., , и . ASSETS, стр. 389-395. ACM, (2019)DialCrowd 2.0: A Quality-Focused Dialog System Crowdsourcing Toolkit., , , и . LREC, стр. 1256-1263. European Language Resources Association, (2022)Synthesizing Adversarial Negative Responses for Robust Response Ranking and Evaluation., , и . ACL/IJCNLP (Findings), том ACL/IJCNLP 2021 из Findings of ACL, стр. 3867-3883. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2021)Dytective: diagnosing risk of dyslexia with a game., , , , , и . PervasiveHealth, стр. 89-96. ACM, (2016)WebinSitu: a comparative analysis of blind and sighted browsing behavior., , , , и . ASSETS, стр. 51-58. ACM, (2007)Screening Dyslexia for English Using HCI Measures and Machine Learning., , , , , , и . DH, стр. 80-84. ACM, (2018)Trailblazer: enabling blind users to blaze trails through the web., , и . IUI, стр. 177-186. ACM, (2009)Becoming the Super Turker: Increasing Wages via a Strategy from High Earning Workers., , , , и . WWW, стр. 1241-1252. ACM / IW3C2, (2020)InstructableCrowd: Creating IF-THEN Rules via Conversations with the Crowd., , и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 1555-1562. ACM, (2016)