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Knowledge-Based Genetic Algorithms and its Application in Multi-Sensor Fusion.

, , , , and . NCM (1), page 485-490. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)

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Knowledge-Based Genetic Algorithms., , , and . RSKT, volume 5009 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 148-155. Springer, (2008)Kalman Filter Preview Control for Energy Savings of Large Scale Cascaded Belt Conveying Systems., , and . ECC, page 1017-1022. IEEE, (2020)GrC Model in Genetic Algorithm: Artificial Selection Algorithm., , , and . GrC, page 164-167. IEEE, (2008)MEA Based Nonlinearity Correction Algorithm for the VCO of LFMCW Radar Level Gauge., , , and . RSFDGrC (1), volume 3641 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 461-470. Springer, (2005)Variable selection based on random vector functional-link in soft sensor modeling., , and . CISP-BMEI, page 1339-1343. IEEE, (2016)Generalized Correntropy Filter-Based Fault Diagnosis and Tolerant Control for Non-Gaussian Stochastic Systems Subject to Sensor Faults., , , , and . IEEE Access, (2018)Knowledge-Based Genetic Algorithms and its Application in Multi-Sensor Fusion., , , , and . NCM (1), page 485-490. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Application of a matrix-based binary granular computing algorithm in RST., , , and . GrC, page 409-412. IEEE, (2005)A time series forecasting based on cloud model similarity measurement., , , , and . Soft Comput., 23 (14): 5443-5454 (2019)Immune Evolution Algorithm Based Dynamic Path Planning Approach for the Soccer Robot., , , and . GrC, page 477-480. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)