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Comparing Window and Syntax Based Strategies for Semantic Extraction.. PROPOR, том 5190 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 41-50. Springer, (2008)Measuring diachronic language distance using perplexity: Application to English, Portuguese, and Spanish., , и . Nat. Lang. Eng., 26 (4): 433-454 (2020)Estratégias Lexicométricas para Detetar Especificidades Textuais., , и . Linguamática, 10 (1): 19-26 (2018)Learning bilingual lexicons from comparable English and Spanish corpora.. MTSummit, (2007)Comparing Different Properties Involved in Word Similarity Extraction.. EPIA, том 5816 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 634-645. Springer, (2009)Automatic Generation of Bilingual Dictionaries Using Intermediary Languages and Comparable Corpora., и . CICLing, том 6008 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 473-483. Springer, (2010)Exploring the effects of vocabulary size in neural machine translation: Galician as a target language., , , и . PROPOR, стр. 600-604. Association for Computational Lingustics, (2024)Using Natural Alignment to Extract Translation Equivalents.. PROPOR, том 3960 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 41-49. Springer, (2006)An Approach to Acquire Word Translations from Non-parallel Texts., и . EPIA, том 3808 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 600-610. Springer, (2005)Automatic Acquisition of Formal Concepts from Text, , и . LDV Forum, 23 (1): 59--74 (2008)