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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Towards More Efficient Logic Blocks By Exploiting Biconditional Expansion (Abstract Only)., , , , und . FPGA, Seite 262. ACM, (2015)Differential Power Analysis Mitigation Technique Using Three-Independent-Gate Field Effect Transistors., und . VLSI-SoC, Seite 107-112. IEEE, (2018)GenCache: Leveraging In-Cache Operators for Efficient Sequence Alignment., , , , , , und . MICRO, Seite 334-346. ACM, (2019)A high-performance low-power near-Vt RRAM-based FPGA., , und . FPT, Seite 207-214. IEEE, (2014)Improving LUT-based optimization for ASICs., , , , , , und . DAC, Seite 421-426. ACM, (2022)Multiple Independent Gate FETs: How many gates do we need?, , , , und . ASP-DAC, Seite 243-248. IEEE, (2015)On the Design of a Fault Tolerant Ripple-Carry Adder with Controllable-Polarity Transistors., , , , , und . ISVLSI, Seite 491-496. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)GMS: Generic memristive structure for non-volatile FPGAs., , , , und . VLSI-SoC, Seite 94-98. IEEE, (2012)3D Nanofabric: Layout Challenges and Solutions for Ultra-scaled Logic Designs., , , , und . VLSI-SoC (Selected Papers), Volume 621 von IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Seite 279-300. Springer, (2020)Design methodology for area and energy efficient OxRAM-based non-volatile flip-flop., , , , , , und . ISCAS, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2017)