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Simulations of Needle Insertion by Using a Eulerian Hydrocode FEM and the Experimental Validations., , , , , и . MICCAI (2), том 5242 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 560-568. Springer, (2008)A Vectorization Technique for a Family of Finite Difference Formulae and Its Performance Evaluation., и . PARA, том 1184 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 284-291. Springer, (1996)High Reynolds Number Computation for Turbulent Heat Transfer in a Pipe Flow., , и . ISHPC, том 1940 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 514-523. Springer, (2000)A Fast Implementation of Matrix-matrix Product in Double-double Precision on NVIDIA C2050 and Application to Semidefinite Programming., , , и . ICNC, стр. 68-75. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Development of User-friendly Supercomputing Portal in Bio Research Field., , , , , и . e-Science, стр. 508-515. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)The niching method for obtaining global optima and local optima in multimodal functions., и . Syst. Comput. Jpn., 34 (11): 30-42 (2003)Performance of Network Intrusion Detection Cluser System., , и . ISHPC, том 2858 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 278-287. Springer, (2003)Constructing a Virtual Laboratory on the Internet: The ITBL Portal., , , и . ISHPC, том 2858 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 288-297. Springer, (2003)Visualization of Thermal Flows in an Automotive Cabin with Volume Rendering Method., , и . VisSym, стр. 301-308. Eurographics Association, (2001)Peta-Scale Supercomputer Project in Japan and Challenges to Life and Human Simulation in Japan.. PVM/MPI, том 4192 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 4. Springer, (2006)