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An empirical comparison of direct and indirect measures of person-organization (P-O) fit.

, , and . CPR, page 146-148. ACM, (2005)

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Elephant in the Classroom: Do Information Systems Professors Need to be More Techno-Savvy than Students?, , , , and . SIGMIS-CPR, page 8-9. ACM, (2019)Recruiting, retaining, and developing IT professionals: an empirically derived taxonomy of human resource practices., and . SIGCPR, page 292-302. ACM, (1998)IT HRM practices: best practices vs. configurations., , and . CPR, page 46-49. ACM, (2006)An empirical comparison of direct and indirect measures of person-organization (P-O) fit., , and . CPR, page 146-148. ACM, (2005)IS/IT Human Resource Development and Retention., and . Computing Handbook, 3rd ed. (2), CRC Press, (2014)Issues in managing information technology (IT) professionals., , , , , , , and . CPR, page 1-2. ACM, (2013)Choosing Management Information Systems as a Major: Understanding the smiFactors for MIS., , , and . Commun. Assoc. Inf. Syst., (2010)Information technology and competitors: a case for collaborative advantage., , , and . SIGCPR, page 139-147. ACM, (1995)Toward understanding the relationship between IT human resource management systems and retention: an empirical analysis based on multiple theoretical and measurement approaches., and . SIGCPR, page 126-138. ACM, (2002)Satisfaction of IT professionals with employment arrangements in traditional and virtual contexts., , and . SIGCPR, page 78-86. ACM, (2001)