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An empirical comparison of direct and indirect measures of person-organization (P-O) fit.

, , and . CPR, page 146-148. ACM, (2005)

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Implementation of Information Technology in Developing Countries: Experiences of a Mongolian Internet Service Provider., and . HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Chief Information Officer Influence: An Exploratory Study., and . ECIS, page 660-666. (2000)Employment arrangement fit for IT professionals: an examination of the importance of fit components., , and . CPR, page 25-29. ACM, (2004)Instrument validation for investigating a model of employment arrangement fit for IT professionals., , and . CPR, page 168-178. ACM, (2003)Antecedents and consequences of traditional and virtual IT professionals' satisfaction with employment arrangements., , and . SIGCPR, page 111-119. ACM, (2002)How CIOs Overcome the Competing Values Challenge: Irish CIOs' Perspectives., , and . Commun. Assoc. Inf. Syst., (2011)Satisfaction of IT professionals with employment arrangements in traditional and virtual contexts., , and . SIGCPR, page 78-86. ACM, (2001)Too much of and less than a good thing: implications for managing IT professionals., , and . CPR, page 73-78. ACM, (2012)CIO influence behaviors: the impact of technical background., , and . Inf. Manag., 40 (5): 467-485 (2003)The Impact of CIO Influence Attempts on the Relational Side of ICT-Business Alignment., and . ECIS, page 2452-2459. (2008)