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Better vocabularies for assistive communication aids: connecting terms using semantic networks and untrained annotators., , , and . ASSETS, page 171-178. ACM, (2009)The Electronic Sitar Controller., , , , and . NIME, page 7-12. Shizuoka University of Art and Culture, (2004)Don't Forget the Laptop: Using Native Input Capabilities for Expressive Musical Control., , and . NIME, page 164-167., (2007)Re-Designing Principles for Computer Music Controllers: a Case Study of SqueezeVox Maggie.. NIME, page 218-221., (2009)Don't Forget the Loudspeaker - A History of Hemispherical Speakers at Princeton, Plus a DIY Guide., , , and . NIME, page 110-115., (2009)Smule = Sonic Media: An Intersection of the Mobile, Musical, and Social., , , , , , , , , and 5 other author(s). ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2009)Foundations for on-the-Fly Learning in the Chuck Programming Language., , and . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2008)Designing and Implementing the Chuck Programming Language., , and . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2005)Co-Audicle: a Collaborative audio Programming Space., , , and . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2005)The integral Music controller: Introducing a Direct Emotional Interface to gestural control of sound synthesis., and . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2005)