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A near-optimal decentralized servomechanism controller for hierarchical interconnected systems., , and . CDC, page 5023-5030. IEEE, (2007)A switching supervisory control design for uncertain discrete time-delay systems., , and . CDC, page 2886-2893. IEEE, (2008)Adaptive Learning with Unknown Information Flows., and . NeurIPS, page 7484-7493. (2018)Optimal target tracking strategy with controlled node mobility in mobile sensor networks., , , , and . ACC, page 2921-2928. IEEE, (2010)A Cooperative Model Predictive Control Technique for Spacecraft Formation Flying., , and . ACC, page 1493-1500. IEEE, (2007)Decentralized fixed modes for LTI time-delay systems., , and . ACC, page 6593-6599. IEEE, (2010)A novel photovoltaic maximum power point tracker for battery charging applications., , and . CCECE, page 1-5. IEEE, (2012)Towards evolutionary-pricing framework for Mobile Sensor Network self-organization., , , , and . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, page 1-8. IEEE, (2010)Connectivity preservation in a network of single integrator agents., , and . CDC, page 7061-7067. IEEE, (2009)Convergence analysis and controller design for a team of mobile robots subject to measurement error., , , , and . ACC, page 3350-3356. IEEE, (2011)