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A hybrid fault diagnosis and recovery for a team of unmanned vehicles., , and . SoSE, page 1-6. IEEE, (2008)Generalized formulation for trajectory optimization in patrolling problems., , , and . CCECE, page 231-236. IEEE, (2015)An Energy-Efficient Strategy to Improve Coverage in a Network of Wireless Mobile Sensors with Nonidentical Sensing Ranges., and . VTC Spring, page 1-5. IEEE, (2013)An Adaptive Rate Assignment Strategy for CDMA2000 IS-856 Subject to RAB Delay., , , , and . GLOBECOM, page 1-6. IEEE, (2009)Pseudo-decentralized switching control., and . Autom., 39 (2): 317-324 (2003)Distributed deployment strategies to increase coverage in a network of wireless mobile sensors., and . ACC, page 5887-5892. IEEE, (2013)Application of generalized sampled-data hold functions in decentralized switching control., and . ACC, page 1152-1158. IEEE, (2003)Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems with Output: Application to Hybrid Systems., , and . ACC, page 4291-4296. IEEE, (2007)Stability Criterion for General Proper Systems with Constrained Control Structure., , and . ACC, page 1648-1653. IEEE, (2007)Convergence analysis and controller design for a team of mobile robots subject to measurement error., , , , and . ACC, page 3350-3356. IEEE, (2011)