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Supporting Software Architecture Learning Using Runtime Visualization., , и . CSEE&T, стр. 101-110. IEEE, (2016)Drawing Insight from Student Perceptions of Reflective Design Learning., и . ICSE (2), стр. 253-262. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)ISBN 978-1-4799-1934-5 (Vol. I + II ???).Raging incrementalism: harnessing change with open-source software, , и . ICSE Workshop on Open source software engineering, 30, стр. 1--6. New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, (июля 2005)Software development as service to the student community: An experiential and high student involvement approach to software engineering education.. CSEE&T, стр. 434-438. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Towards a knowledge-based approach to architectural adaptation management., и . WOSS, стр. 59-63. ACM, (2004)Policy-based self-adaptive architectures: a feasibility study in the robotics domain., и . SEAMS, стр. 105-112. ACM, (2008)Architectural runtime configuration management in support of dependable self-adaptive software., , и . WADS@ICSE, стр. 10:1-10:6. ACM, (2005)STCML: an extensible XML-based language for socio-technical modeling., и . CHASE, стр. 61-64. ACM, (2011)Knowledge-based architectural adaptation management for self-adaptive systems.. ICSE, стр. 658. ACM, (2005)Toward infusing modular and reflective design learning throughout the curriculum.. CSEE&T, стр. 274-278. IEEE, (2013)