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CASA: An Approach for Exposing and Documenting Concurrency-Related Software Properties., , и . SAMOS, том 13511 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 139-154. Springer, (2022)State of Practice: LLMs in Software Engineering and Software Architecture., и . ICSA-C, стр. 311-318. IEEE, (2024)ArchViMP - a Framework for Automatic Extraction of Concurrency-related Software Architectural Properties., и . ICPP Workshops, стр. 18:1-18:10. ACM, (2021)Towards Runtime Monitoring for Malicious Behaviors Detection in Smart Ecosystems., , , , , , и . ISSRE Workshops, стр. 200-203. IEEE, (2019)ACIA: A Methodology for identification of Architectural Design Patterns that support Continuous Integration based on Continuous Assessment., и . ICSA Companion, стр. 198-205. IEEE, (2022)State of the Practice Survey: Predicting the Influence of AI Adoption on System Software Architecture in Traditional Embedded Systems., и . ECSA Companion, том 1269 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 155-169. Springer, (2020)FERA: A Framework for Critical Assessment of Execution Monitoring Based Approaches for Finding Concurrency Bugs., , , , и . SAI (1), том 1228 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 54-74. Springer, (2020)Supervised testing of embedded concurrent software.. Kaiserslautern University of Technology, Germany, (2021)SCATS Framework for Software Integration in Software-Defined Vehicle with Cross-Organizational Agile Teams.. ECSA, том 14889 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 371-378. Springer, (2024)Testing the Implementation of Concurrent AUTOSAR Drivers Against Architecture Decisions., , , и . ICSA, стр. 171-180. IEEE, (2019)