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Machine Learning and PUF based Authentication Framework for Internet of Medical Things.

, , , and . ICM, page 160-163. IEEE, (2022)

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Machine Learning and PUF based Authentication Framework for Internet of Medical Things., , , and . ICM, page 160-163. IEEE, (2022)VXorPUF: A Vedic Principles - Based Hybrid XOR Arbiter PUF for Robust Security in IoMT., , , and . IFIPIoT (2), volume 684 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 246-261. Springer, (2023)Fortified-Edge 5.0: Federated Learning for Secure and Reliable PUF in Authentication Systems., , , and . VLSI-SoC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2024)Performance Analysis of Ring Oscillator PUF for Robust Security in Smart Transportation., , , and . WF-IoT, page 301-302. IEEE, (2021)MPauth: A Single Message Identification Method of Internet of Medical Things., , , and . GCAIoT, page 130-137. IEEE, (2022)An Energy-Efficient and Reliable RPL for IoT., , , and . WF-IoT, page 1-2. IEEE, (2020)A LoRa Based Reliable and Low Power Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Communication Architecture., , , and . iSES, page 177-182. IEEE, (2020)Securing a Vehicle Fleet Management Through Blockchain and Internet of Things., , , and . iSES, page 151-154. IEEE, (2020)Veda-PUF: A PUF based on Vedic Principles for Robust Lightweight Security for IoT., , , , and . iSES, page 400-405. IEEE, (2021)Secure Multi-key Generation Using Ring Oscillator Based Physical Unclonable Function., , , and . iNIS, page 200-205. IEEE, (2016)