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Linguistic-based Augmentation for Enhancing Vietnamese Sentiment Analysis., , , , , , и . RIVF, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Enhancing Security for Smart Ehealthcare System based on Federated Learning and Homomorphic Encryption., , , , и . ACOMPA, стр. 132-138. IEEE, (2024)Deep Domain Adaptation for Vulnerable Code Function Identification., , , , , , , и . IJCNN, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2019)Fuzzy entropy semi-supervised support vector data description., , , , и . IJCNN, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2013)Socially Assistive Robot Enabled Personalised Care for People with Dementia in Australian Private Homes., , и . ISD, University of Economics in Katowice / Association for Information Systems, (2016)Robot Enabled Service Personalisation Based On Emotion Feedback., , , и . MoMM, стр. 115-119. ACM, (2016)Enhancing Face Anti-Spoofing with Swin Transformer-driven Multi-stage Pipeline., , , , , и . SoICT, стр. 40-47. ACM, (2023)A 34MB/s-Program-Throughput 16Gb MLC NAND with All-Bitline Architecture in 56nm., , , , , , , , , и 33 other автор(ы). ISSCC, стр. 420-421. IEEE, (2008)Addressing the semantic gap between video sensors and applications., , , и . NOSSDAV, стр. 43-48. ACM, (2013)Asymmetric Concurrent Signatures.. ICICS, том 3783 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 181-193. Springer, (2005)