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Other publications of authors with the same name

Protecting against Inference Attacks on Co-Location Data., , , and . ICCCN, page 1-11. IEEE, (2019)AIDA: an Adaptive Immersive Data Analyzer., , , , and . VLDB, page 1369-1372. Morgan Kaufmann, (2004)TVDP: Translational Visual Data Platform for Smart Cities., , , and . ICDE Workshops, page 45-52. IEEE, (2019)Recognizing Material of a Covered Object: A Case Study With Graffiti., , , , , and . ICIP, page 2491-2495. IEEE, (2019)Querical Data Networks., and . Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications, Idea Group, (2005)VoR-Tree: R-trees with Voronoi Diagrams for Efficient Processing of Spatial Nearest Neighbor Queries., and . Proc. VLDB Endow., 3 (1): 1231-1242 (2010)Spatial Aggregation of Visual Features for Image Data Search in a Large Geo-Tagged Image Dataset., , , , , and . BigMM, page 48-57. IEEE, (2019)A Class of R*-tree Indexes for Spatial-Visual Search of Geo-tagged Street Images., , , , , , and . ICDE, page 1990-1993. IEEE, (2020)3D Spatial Coverage Measurement of Aerial Images., , , and . MMM (1), volume 11961 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 365-377. Springer, (2020)Missed Opportunities in Fair AI., , and . SDM, page 961-964. SIAM, (2023)