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Analysis of Proteomic Pattern Data for Cancer Detection., , и . EvoWorkshops, том 3005 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 41-51. Springer, (2004)Chromosomal Breakpoint Detection in Human Cancer., , , , , и . EvoWorkshops, том 2611 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 54-65. Springer, (2003)SMOOTH ESTIMATION OF A MONOTONE DENSITY, и . Statistics, 37 (3): 189--203 (2003)Posterior convergence rates for Dirichlet mixtures of beta densities, и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138 (7): 1981--1992 (01.07.2008)Bayesian linear regression with sparse priors, , и . The Annals of Statistics, 43 (5): 1986--2018 (октября 2015)Feature selection in proteomic pattern data with support vector machines., , , и . CIBCB, стр. 41-48. IEEE, (2004)Bracketing smooth functions. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 52 (1): 93--105 (01.08.1994)Finding clusters using support vector classifiers., , и . ESANN, стр. 223-228. (2003)Dynamics underlying spontaneous human alpha oscillations: A data-driven approach., , , , , и . NeuroImage, 57 (2): 440-451 (2011)Effects of attenuation correction and reconstruction method on PET activation studies., , , , , , и . NeuroImage, 20 (2): 898-908 (2003)