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Nonparametric causal effects based on marginal structural models, и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137 (2): 419--434 (01.02.2007)An application of model-fitting procedures for marginal structural models., , , и . American journal of epidemiology, 162 (4): 382-8 (августа 2005)3937<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>Anàlisi de dades; Marginal structural models.Survival Ensembles, , , , и . Biostatistics, 7 (3): 355--373 (2006)SMOOTH ESTIMATION OF A MONOTONE DENSITY, и . Statistics, 37 (3): 189--203 (2003)Double robust estimation in longitudinal marginal structural models, и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136 (3): 1061--1089 (01.03.2006)Why prefer double robust estimators in causal inference?, и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 129 (1-2): 405--426 (15.02.2005)Regulatory motif finding by logic regression., , и . Bioinform., 20 (16): 2799-2811 (2004)A new algorithm for hybrid hierarchical clustering with visualization and the bootstrap, и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 117 (2): 275--303 (01.12.2003)Large Language Models as Co-Pilots for Causal Inference in Medical Studies., , , , , and . CoRR, (2024)Highly Adaptive Ridge., , and . CoRR, (2024)