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Leveraging user comments for aesthetic aware image search reranking., , и . WWW, стр. 439-448. ACM, (2012)Exploring Mixed-Reality for Enhancing Driver Warning Systems: A Preliminary Study on Attention-Shifting Methods and Hazard Perception., , , , и . AutomotiveUI (Adjunct Proceedings), стр. 87-92. ACM, (2023)Imagine a More Ethical AI: Using Stories to Develop Teens' Awareness and Understanding of Artificial Intelligence and its Societal Impacts., , , , , и . RESPECT, стр. 1-2. IEEE, (2021)Beyond the Flipped Classroom: Learning by Doing Through Challenges and Hack-a-thons., и . SIGCSE, стр. 212-217. ACM, (2015)Transcribing Across the Senses: Community Efforts to Create 3D Printable Accessible Tactile Pictures for Young Children with Visual Impairments., , и . ASSETS, стр. 127-137. ACM, (2015)Low-Cost Tactile Coloring Page Fabrication on a Cutting Machine: Assembly and user experiences of cardstock-layered tangible pictures., , и . ASSETS, стр. 31:1-31:5. ACM, (2022)Seen music: ambient music data visualization for children with hearing impairments., , и . IDC, стр. 426-429. ACM, (2015)3D printed tactile picture books for children with visual impairments: a design probe., , и . IDC, стр. 321-324. ACM, (2014)Empower Children in Nigeria to Design the Future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) through Writing., , , и . IDC, стр. 677-680. ACM, (2023)Designing Effective Interview Chatbots: Automatic Chatbot Profiling and Design Suggestion Generation for Chatbot Debugging., , , и . CHI, стр. 389:1-389:15. ACM, (2021)