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The Evolution of Concurrent Control Software Using Genetic Programming., and . EuroGP, volume 3003 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 289-298. Springer, (2004)Evolving Software with Multiple Outputs and Multiple Populations., and . GECCO Late Breaking Papers, page 223-227. AAAI, (2002)Multi-Dimensional Modelling and Measurement of Software Designs., and . ACM Conference on Computer Science, page 76-81. ACM, (1990)Data Sets and Data Quality in Software Engineering: Eight Years On., and . PROMISE, page 7:1-7:4. ACM, (2016)Using Genetic Programming to Improve Software Effort Estimation Based on General Data Sets., and . GECCO, volume 2724 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 2477-2487. Springer, (2003)Practical software metrics for project management and process improvement: R Grady Prentice-Hall (1992) £30.95 282 pp ISBN 0 13 720384 5.. Inf. Softw. Technol., 35 (11-12): 701 (1993)Class movement and re-location: An empirical study of Java inheritance evolution., , and . J. Syst. Softw., 83 (2): 303-315 (2010)First International Conference on the Software Process Redondo Beach, CA, USA 21-22 October 1991.. Inf. Softw. Technol., 34 (4): 276-277 (1992)Missing Data Imputation Techniques., and . Int. J. Bus. Intell. Data Min., 2 (3): 261-291 (2007)A Replication of the Use of Regression towards the Mean (R2M) as an Adjustment to Effort Estimation Models., and . IEEE METRICS, page 38. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)