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Culturally Responsive Making with American Indian Girls: Bridging the Identity Gap in Crafting and Computing with Electronic Textiles., и . GenderIT, стр. 9-16. ACM, (2015)Collaborative Coding and Composing of JazzHands: Integrating the Learning of Advanced Computational Concepts with Electronic Textiles to Make Music Wearables., , , , и . SIGCSE, стр. 1274. ACM, (2019)Software by Kids for Kids.. Commun. ACM, 39 (4): 38-39 (1996)Deconstruction Kits for Learning: Students' Collaborative Debugging of Electronic Textile Designs., , и . FabLearn, стр. 82-85. ACM, (2016)Youth as media art designers: workshops for creative coding., и . IDC, стр. 137-140. ACM, (2008)From theory bias to theory dialogue: embracing cognitive, situated, and critical framings of computational thinking in K-12 CS education., , и . Inroads, 11 (1): 44-53 (2020)From outcast to expert: identities as a conceptual lens for studying learning through design across spaces., и . CSCL (2), стр. 54-55. International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2009)978-1-4092-8598-4.Correction to: Computational Thinking as a Social Movement., и . Künstliche Intell., 36 (2): 185 (2022)CodeQuilt: Designing an Hour of Code Activity for Creative and Critical Engagement with Computing., , , и . IDC, стр. 573-576. ACM, (2021)Transgressive Gender Play: Profiles and Portraits of Girl Players in a Tween Virtual World., , и . DiGRA Conference, Digital Games Research Association, (2009)