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Ethnocomputing with electronic textiles: culturally responsive open design to broaden participation in computing in American indian youth and communities., , , и . SIGCSE, стр. 241-246. ACM, (2014)Using Circuit Playground Express and Maps To Visualize Population Migration Data., , и . ICLS, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2020)Perceptions of Productive Failure in Design Projects: High School Students' Challenges in Making Electronic Textiles., , , и . ICLS, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2016)Articulating creativity in a new domain: expert insights from the field of e-textiles., , , , и . Creativity & Cognition, стр. 385-386. ACM, (2011)Toward an Anti-Racist Theory of Computational Curricula., , , , , , и . SIGCSE, стр. 1244. ACM, (2019)Everyday creativity in novice e-textile designs., , и . Creativity & Cognition, стр. 353-354. ACM, (2011)The E-Textiles Bracelet Hack: Bringing Making to Middle School Classrooms., , и . FabLearn, стр. 107-110. ACM, (2016)Cupcake cushions, scooby doo shirts, and soft boomboxes: e-textiles in high school to promote computational concepts, practices, and perceptions., , , , , и . SIGCSE, стр. 311-316. ACM, (2013)Culturally Responsive Making with American Indian Girls: Bridging the Identity Gap in Crafting and Computing with Electronic Textiles., и . GenderIT, стр. 9-16. ACM, (2015)Deconstruction Kits for Learning: Students' Collaborative Debugging of Electronic Textile Designs., , и . FabLearn, стр. 82-85. ACM, (2016)