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Geodesic Hermite Spline Curve on Triangular Meshes., , and . Symmetry, 13 (10): 1936 (2021)A Software-Managed Coherent Memory Architecture for Manycores., , and . PACT, page 213. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)An OpenCL framework for heterogeneous multicores with local memory., , , , , , , , , and 4 other author(s). PACT, page 193-204. ACM, (2010)Translating OpenMP device constructs to OpenCL using unnecessary data transfer elimination., , , and . SC, page 597-608. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)PIPSEA: A Practical IPsec Gateway on Embedded APUs., , , , and . ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, page 1255-1267. ACM, (2016)Micro fluid control system using homogeneous ER fluids (proposition of micro ER valve and basic experiments)., , and . IROS, page 1063-1068. IEEE, (1999)Comparison of digitized and analog radio-over-fiber systems over WDM-PON networks., , and . ICTC, page 705-706. IEEE, (2013)Revealing and Utilizing In-group Favoritism for Graph-based Collaborative Filtering., , , , , and . CoRR, (2024)Electrical characteristics of nano-crystal Si particles for nano-floating gate memory., , , , and . Microelectron. J., 39 (12): 1553-1555 (2008)Do Not Escape From the Manifold: Discovering the Local Coordinates on the Latent Space of GANs., , , , , and . CoRR, (2021)