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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Integrating Apache Airavata with Docker, Marathon, and Mesos., , , und . Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., 28 (7): 1952-1959 (2016)Science Gateways Incubator: Software Sustainability Meets Community Needs., , , , , , , , , und . eScience, Seite 477-485. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Cyberinfrastructure as a Platform to Facilitate Effective Collaboration between Institutions and Support Collaboratories., , , , , , , und . SIGUCCS, Seite 37-42. ACM, (2016)A Web based Conversational Case-Based Recommender System for Ontology aided Metadata Discovery., , , und . GRID, Seite 69-75. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Collaboration Entities on Deterministic Finite Automata., , und . CTS, Seite 26-37. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)AVATS: Audio-video and textual synchronization., , , und . CTS, Seite 455-464. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Scalable, fault-tolerant management of Grid Services., , , und . CLUSTER, Seite 349-356. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Open Grid Computing Environment's Workflow Suite for E-Science Projects., , , und . eScience, Seite 332-333. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Apache Airavata security manager: Authentication and authorization implementations for a multi-tenant escience framework., , , und . eScience, Seite 287-292. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)SWARM: Scheduling Large-Scale Jobs over the Loosely-Coupled HPC Clusters., und . eScience, Seite 285-292. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)