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Universal Arrow Foundations for Visual Modeling.

, , , und . Diagrams, Volume 1889 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 345-360. Springer, (2000)

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A Diagrammatic Logic for Object-Oriented Visual Modeling., und . ACCAT@ETAPS, Volume 203 von Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Seite 19-41. Elsevier, (2007)Mappings, Maps and Tables: Towards Formal Semantics for Associations in UML2., und . MoDELS, Volume 4199 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 230-244. Springer, (2006)Traceability Mappings as a Fundamental Instrument in Model Transformations., , und . FASE, Volume 10202 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 247-263. Springer, (2017)Elementary Model Management Patterns., , , und . PAME@STAF, Volume 1657 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 11-15., (2015)Engineering Associations: From Models to Code and Back through Semantics., , und . TOOLS (46), Volume 11 von Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Seite 336-355. Springer, (2008)On Mathematical Foundations for Business Modeling (Presented at TOOLS-USA 2000).. TOOLS (37), Seite 182-189. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Model Synchronization: Mappings, Tiles, and Categories.. GTTSE, Volume 6491 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 92-165. Springer, (2009)A Query Structured Approach for Model Transformation., , und . AMT@MoDELS, Volume 1277 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 54-63., (2014)Algebraic Models for Bidirectional Model Synchronization.. MoDELS, Volume 5301 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 21-36. Springer, (2008)Analysis of Source-to-Target Model Transformations in QueST., , , und . AMT@MoDELS, Volume 1500 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 46-55., (2015)