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An Implementation of a High Assurance Smart Meter Using Protected Module Architectures., , , , , и . WISTP, том 9895 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 53-69. Springer, (2016)Interconnecting domains with heterogeneous key distribution and authentication protocols., , и . S&P, стр. 66-79. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)Clubbing Seals: Exploring the Ecosystem of Third-party Security Seals., , , и . ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, стр. 918-929. ACM, (2014)Practical verification of WPA-TKIP vulnerabilities., и . AsiaCCS, стр. 427-436. ACM, (2013)Static Verification of Indirect Data Sharing in Loosely-coupled Component Systems., , , и . SC@ETAPS, том 4089 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 34-49. Springer, (2006)Key Reinstallation Attacks: Forcing Nonce Reuse in WPA2., и . CCS, стр. 1313-1328. ACM, (2017)ProSpeCT: Provably Secure Speculation for the Constant-Time Policy., , , , , и . USENIX Security Symposium, стр. 7161-7178. USENIX Association, (2023)Tracking Information Flow via Delayed Output - Addressing Privacy in IoT and Emailing Apps., , и . NordSec, том 11252 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 19-37. Springer, (2018)ValueGuard: Protection of Native Applications against Data-Only Buffer Overflows., , , , и . ICISS, том 6503 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 156-170. Springer, (2010)Provably Secure Isolation for Interruptible Enclaved Execution on Small Microprocessors., , , , , , и . CSF, стр. 262-276. IEEE, (2020)