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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Capturing knowledge about philosophy, , , und . Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Knowledge capture, Seite 47-54. Whistler, BC, Canada, ACM, (2007)Is Question Answering fit for the Semantic Web?: \A\ survey, , , und . Semantic Web, 2 (2): 125--155 (2011)Toward a New Generation of Semantic Web Applications, , , , , , und . \IEEE\ Intelligent Systems, 23 (3): 20--28 (2008)Reflections on five years of evaluating semantic search systems, , , , , und . IJMSO, 5 (2): 87--98 (2010)The Computer Science Ontology: A Comprehensive Automatically-Generated Taxonomy of Research Areas., , , , , und . Data Intell., 2 (3): 379-416 (2020)Semi-automatic annotation of contested knowledge on the world wide web., , und . WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters), Seite 276-277. ACM, (2004)Supporting Ontology Driven Document Enrichment within Communities of Practice, , , , und . (2001)Developing ontologies in OWL: An observational study, , , , , und . OWL: Experiences and Directions Workshop, (2006-11)An Infrastructure for Acquiring High Quality Semantic Metadata, , , , , und . In proceedings to The 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2006), Budva, Montenegro, (2006-06)Personalizing Relevance on the Semantic Web through Trusted Recommendations from a Social Network, und . In proceeding of the ESWC2006 Workshop on Semantic Web Personalization., (06 2006-06)